Contact CMBA Ontario at for any assistance. Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.

Be prepared with a business continuity plan (BCP) that consists of the critical information your organization needs to continue operating during an unplanned event. The BCP states the essential functions of your business, identifies which systems and processes must be sustained, and details how to maintain them.

Price: $899 + HST

What you will receive:

  • Template in Word document
  • 10 pages with 13 sections that cover key areas of a robust business continuity plan
  • Clearly stated procedures to maintain compliance

Click here to purchase

CMBA Ontario offers a template to help brokerages get started with their policies and procedures manual such that they cover the minimum areas required by MBLAA, 2006:

A brokerage shall establish and implement policies and procedures that are reasonably designed to ensure that the brokerage and every broker and agent who is authorized to deal or trade in mortgages on its behalf complies with the requirements established under the Act. O. Reg. 188/08, s. 40 (1).


  • Members: $299.00 + HST
  • Non-Members: $499.00 + HST

What you will receive:

  • Template in Word document
  • Over 300 pages
  • 6 sections
  • Covers all policies and procedures that are recommended for use by Brokerages
  • Access up to 12 months, including any updates made during this time

It is expected that the Brokerage will update and supplement the Template to make sure it meets all regulatory and legal requirements as well as your specific needs

Click here to purchase

Administrators must have its own policies and procedures manual as required under Regulation.  O. Reg. 189/08, s. 25.

CMBA Ontario offers a template to help administrators get started with their policies and procedures manual and make the adjustments required to reflect the administrator business needs. The template has 10 sections: 

  • Section 1: Human Resources & Privacy Policies
  • Section 2: Public Relations Policies
  • Section 3: Training & Supervision Policies
  • Section 4: Customer Relations Policies
  • Section 5: Fees & Payments Policies
  • Section 6: Duties in Particular Transactions
  • Section 7: Mortgage Administration
  • Section 8: Management the Mortgage Administrator Business
  • Section 9: Managing Deemed Trust Funds
  • Section 10: Reporting Requirements


  • Members: $999.00 + HST
  • Non-Members: $1499.00 + HST

What you will receive:

  • Template in Word document
  • Over 40 pages
  • 10 sections
  • Covers all policies and procedures that are recommended for use by Administrators

It is expected that the Administrator will update and supplement the Template to make sure it meets all regulatory and legal requirements as well as your specific needs

Click here to purchase